Cooperative & Participative Entrepreneurship,
The Entrepreneurship of The Future

What is it

Cooperative & Participative Entrepreneurship

Citizens unite to compete with big corporations: this is the entrepreneurship of the future; an entrepreneurship based on cooperation and participation as the key to develop large human organizations able to recover local production and to reactivate the economy.

The cooperative and participative organizations apply an innovative approach to grow in a massive way: the members of the organization participate actively in the co-creation, management and development of the cooperative. In cooperative and participative organizations the consumers are the owners of the organization. These are non-lucrative structures with an aim of changing the current model by adding as many members as possible. Some success cases are Som Energia in the energy sector or La Magrana Vallesana in the food industry.

"It is INCREDIBLE that people keep waiting for the Economy to settle with Politics while giving away their money to the automated multinationals. Automation in the companies that control the world is ALREADY a reality but we are not CONSCIOUS of the effects. What happens when some few automated companies control over 80% of the economy of a city? When will I stop hearing that we have to become "Superman" to gain a foothold in the labour market? We must unite to compete with multinationals and stop competing with each other." —Sara Martin


Som Energia
La Magrana Vallesana
Proyecto Fresneda
Women in Virtual Reality from Spain
Som Mobilitat
Cines Zoco Majadahona
Som Connexio


If you would like to spread the word about your cooperative and participative project or get in contact with us for any other reason, do not hesitate to drop us a line!

European Union